Cultural Gathering New Zealand 2012
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons are advised that this page may contain images of deceased persons.
Please keep scrolling down, this page contains a weeks worth of travel chronologically displayed.
Our visiting group consisted of Aboriginal, Native American, Maori, Australian and New Zealand Elders. We stayed mostly at Marae of family of Auntie Emma and were welcomed traditionally observing local customs. I was invited to do the Photography and was transported into another realm of existence. I wish we could all learn from each other like this, with Love and Wisdom celebrated and expressed. Thank you for letting me into your worlds.
Arrival in the Land of the long white Cloud
6 November 2012 flying over the land we are to visit

West Coast of Northland, New Zealand

Clouds on the way, we will see many more on our travels. Wandjina are cloud and rain spirits from Australian Aboriginal mythology

An Atoll on the way from Brisbane to Auckland

West Coast of Northland, New Zealand

West Coast of Northland, New Zealand

West Coast of Northland, New Zealand

West Coast of Northland, New Zealand

West Coast of Northland, New Zealand
Oturei Marae in Dargaville
7 and 8 November 2012, Hosts Rex and Bella (Ihapera) Nathan
Smokers are exclusive
Oturei Marae Elders
Oturei Marae Elder speech
A moment of the Oturei Marae Elders
Oturei Marae Elder
Traditional Maori Welcome Greeting
Traditional Maori Welcome Greeting
Traditional Maori Welcome Greeting
Traditional Maori Welcome Greeting
Goothala Doyle a proud Yugarabul Man answering the welcome and playing the Didgeridoo
Young Maori Dancers
Young Maori Dancers
Young Maori Dancers
Indigenous Kangaroo dance presented to our Maori Hosts
Dew caught in Spider web on early Morning walk
Dew on Grass
Mystical tree shrouded in early morning mist
Sunrise and Mist
Farewell gift, a painting made by indigenous inmates in Brisbane. Presented by Auntie Jenny and Nicole Clevo.
Watching the exchange of gifts
Farewell gift, a painting made by indigenous inmates in Brisbane
Farewell gift, a painting made by indigenous inmates in Brisbane
Ingrid from Australia/Germany
Native American farewell gifts
Elders from Australia and New Zealand
Hirini Tau in the light. Farewell speech
On the way to Waipoua Forest and the Giant Kauri Tree
8 November 2012 (Tane Mahuta or Giant Kauri Tree)
Impromptu exchange of stories of the local area on the way
Impromptu exchange of stories of the local area on the way
The path to the Giant Kauri Tree

Giant Kauri Tree
Observing the Giant Kauri Tree
In front of the Giant Kauri Tree
Observing the Giant Kauri Tree
In front of the Giant Kauri Tree
Another glimpse of the Giant Kauri Tree
Observing the Giant Kauri Tree
Observing the Giant Kauri Tree
Exchange of minds
Farewell from Oturei Marae and stay at Morehu Marae in Pawarenga
8, 9 and 10 November 2012 Host: Elizabeth (Temo) Proctor
Farewell gift to our hosts of the Oturei Marae. A painting by indigenous inmates in Brisbane
Waiting for the group shot
Native American Song
Farewell between Maori and Native American
Arrive at Morehu Marae
Welcome at Morehu Marae
Welcome at Morehu Marae
It has been a long day
Welcome at Morehu Marae
Auntie Jennifer Thompson at the Welcome at Morehu Marae
Suzanne Thompson presenting at the welcome
Local trio at the Welcome party at Morehu Marae
And everybody danced
A final goodnight
Early morning at Morehu Marae

Early morning at Morehu Marae

Early morning at Morehu Marae
Breakfast at Morehu Marae
Breakfast at Morehu Marae
Getting warm in the morning sun
Getting warm in the morning sun
Getting warm in the morning sun
Happy times
Weaving with Flax, Elle and Dee
Weaving with Flax
Inspected and learning about Flax
Weaving with Flax
Our lovely Bus driver joins in the weaving
Weaving with Flax
Explanation from Hirini to Catherine about the Maori symbols
Breakfast at Morehu Marae
Breakfast at Morehu Marae
Breakfast at Morehu Marae
Breakfast at Morehu Marae
Weaving with Flax
Weaving with Flax
Weaving with Flax
Weaving with Flax
Inspecting the Flax
Flax and it's creatures
Flax and water drops
Learning about Flax
Learning about Flax
Visit the local Church
Visit the local Church

Visit the local Church

Cape Reinga and Te-Rerenga Wairua
10 November 2012

Taipa Marae
10 November 2012, Host Mere(Mary) Poharama
Welcome at Ngai Te-Wake Marae in Matarua
11 November 2012, Hosts: Ted and Lena (Noni) Tau
Hāngi and Sweatlodge Ceremony
12 November 2012
Ngai Te-Wake Marae
11 to 14 November 2012, Mataraua. Hosts: Ted and Lena (Noni) Tau

Farewell Ngai Te-Wake Marae
14 November 2012
Po Atarau
Po Atarau
E moue iho nei
E haere ana
Koe ki pamomao
Haere ra
Ka hoki mai ano
Ki I te tau
E tangi atu nei
On a moonlit night
I see in a dream
You are going away
To a distant land
But return again
To your loved ones,
Weeping here